Sunday, 10 June 2012
How Technology Has Impacted Learning
Technology has improved communications and access to information. Computers stimulate young minds by making learning fun. The Internet allows students to explore whole new worlds in real time. There hardly a subject which can't benefit from the resources available on the web. Gifted, creative teachers stimulate young minds. They light the fire and capture the imagination. Technology is just one more tool, albeit a most useful one, in the serious teacher's portfolio of teaching tools. Computer technology provides abundant opportunities for students to build or modify their personal knowledge through the rich experiences that technology affords. Technology also motivates and engages the learner. When students have a choice in their assignment, see the relevancy, or can self-assess with teacher feedback intertwined, student motivation increases. Technology lends itself to all of the above.
Technology has helped me a lot in the past few years with school.The internet has allowed me to learn more about issues occurring around the world. And has also helped me with this blog. I could barley find any books on factory farming.(I found about two different ones) Without the internet I wouldn't have been able to do this project as well as educate people on what is really happening to the meat they eat which is important because how we survive is with consumption of food and water.
Technology has helped me a lot in the past few years with school.The internet has allowed me to learn more about issues occurring around the world. And has also helped me with this blog. I could barley find any books on factory farming.(I found about two different ones) Without the internet I wouldn't have been able to do this project as well as educate people on what is really happening to the meat they eat which is important because how we survive is with consumption of food and water.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Understanding of The Issue Towards Factory Farming
I chose this topic because I think it is important for people to be aware of what kind of food they are consuming. As mentioned before of what harm it does to us with pollution and additives. As a lot of people believe their food comes from the type of farm that treats their animals with respect and care. Which is only to be expected. Which is close to non existent. The research I have done has impacted my knowledge about the world and the issue. I learned more about the topic and what really happens in the factory farms as mentioned in more detail in previous blogs. It is sad that as a society we have come to treating animals with such low respect. Not only in factory farms but with animal abuse. As I see it animals are living organisms and deserve respect just as you and I. They may not be as high as we are on the food chain and may not be able to talk but in a recent research it was shown that animals do have feelings just as we do.
Studies conducted by animal welfare researcher John Webster and his colleagues at Britain’s Bristol University. The experiments were done on pigs, goats, chickens and cattle.
It a lot of ways technology has impacted our society in a good way unless you are talking about factory farming. If we didn't have the technology and the need for more produce the government wouldn't have been able to introduce factory farming in the first place. The government try's to produce for less without putting a lot of people out of a job. With factory farming they are able to produce for less while still giving a lot of people job by running the machinery and feeding the animals additives as well as cutting off animal parts such as chicks beak. From a personal experience in places such as Saskatchewan where there is less population, less technology, and media still have good farms.
Studies conducted by animal welfare researcher John Webster and his colleagues at Britain’s Bristol University. The experiments were done on pigs, goats, chickens and cattle.
It a lot of ways technology has impacted our society in a good way unless you are talking about factory farming. If we didn't have the technology and the need for more produce the government wouldn't have been able to introduce factory farming in the first place. The government try's to produce for less without putting a lot of people out of a job. With factory farming they are able to produce for less while still giving a lot of people job by running the machinery and feeding the animals additives as well as cutting off animal parts such as chicks beak. From a personal experience in places such as Saskatchewan where there is less population, less technology, and media still have good farms.
Sunday, 3 June 2012
How Do People Live With Themselves?
feel disgusted with the way that people are treating animals which
should be a privilege to have. As mentioned before of how it effects
us with all the additives and pollution we are better off without it and the animals need our help to voice their lives. I am still trying to
understand how people who do this to the animals live with themselves
everyday when they disrespect animals the way they do by taking away
their body parts and all their animal rights. I believe it is the consumers responsibly to know where there food is coming from. It is the governments problem just as much as it it the consumers because it is the people who buy into the product and support it. As said before organic food is pricey and there is a lot of extra work involved in wanting to be healthy for yourself and helping animals. But also said before that if you aren't able to buy organic food then be against factory farming and and have "Meatless Monday". Every little effort helps the animals. Every week you have meatless Monday is another animals life saved.
More than half of people believe that their food comes from happy farms that we used to have in the olden days. Which is now almost non-existent. Or people just don't care about the issue. From personal experiences and bringing the topic up to classmates they reply with “whatever, we need protein” or “God put animals on earth so we could eat them” which is very true but animals need to be treated with respect before we consume them and not only that but the additives factory farms put in the animals food is very unsafe and not healthy for both us and the animals. Humans being the consumers we need to make a protest in stop buying animals products to make life better for the animals and ourselves in what we are consuming as well protect from pollution as mentioned before.
After learning what you have about factory farming how do you feel about animals in consumption? how do you live with yourself knowing every every meat product you have the animal was abused in multiple ways to get to your plate?
More than half of people believe that their food comes from happy farms that we used to have in the olden days. Which is now almost non-existent. Or people just don't care about the issue. From personal experiences and bringing the topic up to classmates they reply with “whatever, we need protein” or “God put animals on earth so we could eat them” which is very true but animals need to be treated with respect before we consume them and not only that but the additives factory farms put in the animals food is very unsafe and not healthy for both us and the animals. Humans being the consumers we need to make a protest in stop buying animals products to make life better for the animals and ourselves in what we are consuming as well protect from pollution as mentioned before.
After learning what you have about factory farming how do you feel about animals in consumption? how do you live with yourself knowing every every meat product you have the animal was abused in multiple ways to get to your plate?
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Why is This Happening?
Factory farming began in the 1920s soon after the discovery of vitamins A and D, when these vitamins are added to feed, animals no longer require exercise and sunlight for growth. This allowed large numbers of animals to be raised indoors year-round. Factory farming resulted from public policy choices driven by big agribusinesses especially meatpackers and processors that dominate the critical steps in the food chain between livestock producers and consumers. Workers on industrial farms and in meat processing facilities work in hazardous conditions, and are underpaid and mistreated. Also the animals aren't given proper care or feed making it cheaper to produce and raise.
How Can We Help?
vegetarian is one of the most important and effective actions you can
take to ease the strain on our Earth's limited resources, protect the
planet from pollution, prevent global warming, and save countless
species from extinction. Vegetarian diets offer a number of
nutritional benefits, including lower levels of saturated fat,
cholesterol, and animal protein, as well as higher levels of
carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, potassium, folate, and antioxidants
such as vitamins C and E and phytochemicals. Vegetarians have been
reported to have lower body mass indices than nonvegetarians, as well
as lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease; vegetarians also
show lower blood cholesterol levels; lower blood pressure; and lower
rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon
cancer." You can avoid food additives and health problems they
may cause by eating fresh, unprocessed foods grown by local farmers.
Since these foods are not transported thousands of miles, they don't
need to be packaged or pumped full of preservatives before reaching
you. And since they are whole and unprocessed, they won't contain
colorings or artificial flavors. When shopping in your grocery store,
check labels for additives. Buy more whole foods and fewer
"convenience foods," such as ready-made meals. The time you
spend preparing an additive-free meal will pay off in fresh flavor
and increased food safety for you and your family.
Who is Involved in the Problems of Factory Farming?
The consumers
Factory farm waste is stored in manure pits or lagoons, and ultimately it is applied to farm as fields as fertilizer. Small diversifeild farms that raise animals as well as crops have always used manure fertilizer without polluting water. The difference with factory fans is scale. The produce so much waste in one place that it must be applied to land in quantities that exceed the soils avidity to incorporate it. Manure makes it way into the local environment where they pollute the air and water. Manure contains nitrogen, phosphorus and often bacteria that can endanger the environment and human health. Farmers over apply manure to their fields which allows it to run into local streams and groundwater. It can be a health hazard. Noxious gas emissions from manure holding tanks and lagoons including hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and methane can cause skin rashes, breathing problems and headaches, and long term exposure can lead to neurological problems. For children, seniors citizens and adults with other health problems, exposed to these fumes can cause problems. Factory farms can create public health concerns beyond food borne illness. Because over-crowded annuals are susceptible to infection and disease, most industrial livestock facilities treat the animals with low-levels of antibiotics to prevent illness and also promote weight gain. By creating a breeding ground for antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the sub-therapeutic dosages used on millions of factory farmed livestock can reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics for human patients. The feed used for livestock can also introduce public health threats. Broiler chickens often receive arsenic-based feed additives to promote pinker flesh and faster growth, and beef cattle continue to be fed with animal byproducts, which increases the rush of mad cow disease. Theses conditions and additives are not only pose threats to the environment and public health, they are also detrimental to the animal themselves.
The Farmers
Farmers that are mass producing can under cut and sell animal products for cheaper. There was a huge demand for animal products that farmers felt the need to over produce by factory farming. Factory farming resulted from public policy choices driven by big agribusinesses especially meatpackers and processors that dominate the critical steps in the food chain between livestock producers and consumers.Workers on industrial farms and in meat processing facilities work in hazardous conditions, and are underpaid and mistreated. Also the animals aren't given proper care or feed making it cheaper to produce and raise.
The Animals
As talked about earlier the animals live a very poor life in factory farms. Over 600 million chickens live and die in nightmarish conditions to supply Canadians with their meat and eggs. Thousands of broiler chickens at a time are crowded into dark and dirt warehouses where they have their beak tips amputated without anesthetic, suffer ammonia buns and respiratory disease from the vast amounts of urine and feces in the environment, are genetically bred to grow so large their skeletons become crippled under their own weight, and suffocate from intense overcrowding. Sick chickens are often totally neglected and left to be trampled to death or die of dehydration. Egg laying chickens are arguably the most abused animals in the world. They are packed four to six hens at a time into wire battery cages that have a floor the size of folded newspaper. They spend their lives never being able to spread their wings and barely able to move, standing on sloping wire floors and suffering feather loss and skin damage due to constant rubbing against the cage and cage mates. Up to 20% of the hens raised under these conditions die of stress and disease. Male chicks have no value to the egg industry, so every year in Canada, tens of millions of chicks are ground up alive or tossed into bags to suffocate within hours of having hatched. The natural life span of a chicken is 15-20 years, but in a factory farm production, egg laying hens are killed at just 1 and a half years old and broiler chickens at 42 days of age or less. Canada's 14 million beef and dairy cows are treated as no more the mechanized [parts of a food assembly line. Cows raised to become beef live their short lives on barren, manure-filled feedlots containing up to 40,000 cows. They endure branding, castration, and dehorning without anesthetic. The feedlot air is so saturated with ammonia, methane, and other noxious chemicals from the build-up of feces that many of these cows suffer from chronic respiratory problems. To keep them alive in these unhealthy conditions and to make them grow faster, the cows are pumped full of drugs. Despite this, every year there are thousands of crippled or sick "downed" cattle that, unable to stand, are dragged with ropes and chains in order to deliver them to the slaughterhouse. Dairy cows are subjected to terrible abuse in the Canadian agribusiness system. They are often chained in stalls for their entire lives where they are fed and milked by machines and where even laying down can be problematic. The dairy cow is forced into brutal repeated cycle of pregnancy and having her newborns taken away as young as a few hours old so the milk can be used for human consumption. This premature separation causes terrible stress an anxiety for both mother and calf. Both will often cry for days or even weeks after being torn apart. Dairy cows are genetically bred to produce 10 times the amount of milk they would naturally produce, commonly resulting in painful mastitis(a bacterial infection of the udder) and lameness. Though cows can live up top 25 years, most dairy cows are only able to endure the hardships of producing such unnaturally high volumes of milk for around 3 years. Veal is a nasty by product of the dairy industry as dairy farmers. Many calves of dairy cows are killed soon after birth or are severely confined in tiny stalls or hutches. Alone and barely able to move. Before becoming veal at 1-3 months of age. Almost 30 million pigs endure a life of misery before heading to the dinner plate in Canada. Most pigs spend their too short lives under the constant stress of living in cramped dark warehouse and never experiencing fresh air or the sun on their backs. Until the day they are loaded onto trucks bound for slaughter.Piglets have their tails cut off, teeth clipped, ears notched, and are castrated all without any anaesthetic. Mother pigs (sows) spend their lives kept constantly pregnant and confined in 2-foot wide, metal gestation crates so small that for most of their lives they are barely able to move or even lie down comfortably. In this one tiny barren space, the naturally fastidious pig must eat, sleep, urinate and defecate, with her waste falling through slatted concrete floors into a pool of raw sewage underneath her. Sows in these stalls experience crippling leg disorders and uffer greatly from their life-long deprived environment. s
Factory farm waste is stored in manure pits or lagoons, and ultimately it is applied to farm as fields as fertilizer. Small diversifeild farms that raise animals as well as crops have always used manure fertilizer without polluting water. The difference with factory fans is scale. The produce so much waste in one place that it must be applied to land in quantities that exceed the soils avidity to incorporate it. Manure makes it way into the local environment where they pollute the air and water. Manure contains nitrogen, phosphorus and often bacteria that can endanger the environment and human health. Farmers over apply manure to their fields which allows it to run into local streams and groundwater. It can be a health hazard. Noxious gas emissions from manure holding tanks and lagoons including hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and methane can cause skin rashes, breathing problems and headaches, and long term exposure can lead to neurological problems. For children, seniors citizens and adults with other health problems, exposed to these fumes can cause problems. Factory farms can create public health concerns beyond food borne illness. Because over-crowded annuals are susceptible to infection and disease, most industrial livestock facilities treat the animals with low-levels of antibiotics to prevent illness and also promote weight gain. By creating a breeding ground for antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the sub-therapeutic dosages used on millions of factory farmed livestock can reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics for human patients. The feed used for livestock can also introduce public health threats. Broiler chickens often receive arsenic-based feed additives to promote pinker flesh and faster growth, and beef cattle continue to be fed with animal byproducts, which increases the rush of mad cow disease. Theses conditions and additives are not only pose threats to the environment and public health, they are also detrimental to the animal themselves.
The Farmers
Farmers that are mass producing can under cut and sell animal products for cheaper. There was a huge demand for animal products that farmers felt the need to over produce by factory farming. Factory farming resulted from public policy choices driven by big agribusinesses especially meatpackers and processors that dominate the critical steps in the food chain between livestock producers and consumers.Workers on industrial farms and in meat processing facilities work in hazardous conditions, and are underpaid and mistreated. Also the animals aren't given proper care or feed making it cheaper to produce and raise.
The Animals
As talked about earlier the animals live a very poor life in factory farms. Over 600 million chickens live and die in nightmarish conditions to supply Canadians with their meat and eggs. Thousands of broiler chickens at a time are crowded into dark and dirt warehouses where they have their beak tips amputated without anesthetic, suffer ammonia buns and respiratory disease from the vast amounts of urine and feces in the environment, are genetically bred to grow so large their skeletons become crippled under their own weight, and suffocate from intense overcrowding. Sick chickens are often totally neglected and left to be trampled to death or die of dehydration. Egg laying chickens are arguably the most abused animals in the world. They are packed four to six hens at a time into wire battery cages that have a floor the size of folded newspaper. They spend their lives never being able to spread their wings and barely able to move, standing on sloping wire floors and suffering feather loss and skin damage due to constant rubbing against the cage and cage mates. Up to 20% of the hens raised under these conditions die of stress and disease. Male chicks have no value to the egg industry, so every year in Canada, tens of millions of chicks are ground up alive or tossed into bags to suffocate within hours of having hatched. The natural life span of a chicken is 15-20 years, but in a factory farm production, egg laying hens are killed at just 1 and a half years old and broiler chickens at 42 days of age or less. Canada's 14 million beef and dairy cows are treated as no more the mechanized [parts of a food assembly line. Cows raised to become beef live their short lives on barren, manure-filled feedlots containing up to 40,000 cows. They endure branding, castration, and dehorning without anesthetic. The feedlot air is so saturated with ammonia, methane, and other noxious chemicals from the build-up of feces that many of these cows suffer from chronic respiratory problems. To keep them alive in these unhealthy conditions and to make them grow faster, the cows are pumped full of drugs. Despite this, every year there are thousands of crippled or sick "downed" cattle that, unable to stand, are dragged with ropes and chains in order to deliver them to the slaughterhouse. Dairy cows are subjected to terrible abuse in the Canadian agribusiness system. They are often chained in stalls for their entire lives where they are fed and milked by machines and where even laying down can be problematic. The dairy cow is forced into brutal repeated cycle of pregnancy and having her newborns taken away as young as a few hours old so the milk can be used for human consumption. This premature separation causes terrible stress an anxiety for both mother and calf. Both will often cry for days or even weeks after being torn apart. Dairy cows are genetically bred to produce 10 times the amount of milk they would naturally produce, commonly resulting in painful mastitis(a bacterial infection of the udder) and lameness. Though cows can live up top 25 years, most dairy cows are only able to endure the hardships of producing such unnaturally high volumes of milk for around 3 years. Veal is a nasty by product of the dairy industry as dairy farmers. Many calves of dairy cows are killed soon after birth or are severely confined in tiny stalls or hutches. Alone and barely able to move. Before becoming veal at 1-3 months of age. Almost 30 million pigs endure a life of misery before heading to the dinner plate in Canada. Most pigs spend their too short lives under the constant stress of living in cramped dark warehouse and never experiencing fresh air or the sun on their backs. Until the day they are loaded onto trucks bound for slaughter.Piglets have their tails cut off, teeth clipped, ears notched, and are castrated all without any anaesthetic. Mother pigs (sows) spend their lives kept constantly pregnant and confined in 2-foot wide, metal gestation crates so small that for most of their lives they are barely able to move or even lie down comfortably. In this one tiny barren space, the naturally fastidious pig must eat, sleep, urinate and defecate, with her waste falling through slatted concrete floors into a pool of raw sewage underneath her. Sows in these stalls experience crippling leg disorders and uffer greatly from their life-long deprived environment. s
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
What is Factory Farming?
sentimental image of pigs, chickens, and cows being raised on an
idyllic family farm is seriously outdated. Over 95% of the 650
million animals raised and slaughtered for food in Canada today are
mass-produced on factory farms. Here they live their short lives
indoors in intensive confinement systems, deprived of everything that
is natural to them including sunlight, family, and even the ability
to turn around. Animals being crammed by the thousands into filthy
windowless sheds, wire cages, gestation crates, and other cruel
confinement system . animals suffer staggering neglect, mutilation,
genetic manipulation, and drug regimens that cause chronic pain and
debilitation. During transport, many animals are beaten or shocked,
and thousands die from overcrowding and extreme temperatures. At
every step of the way, it is an industrial enterprise very similar to
a manufacturing production line, only with more blood, pollution,
pain, and cruelty. Yet our government still views these operations as
farms instead of industrial manufacturing and exempts the captive
animals from all animal cruelty laws, after all, they aren't really
animals, they are production units.
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