Sunday, 3 June 2012

How Do People Live With Themselves?

I feel disgusted with the way that people are treating animals which should be a privilege to have. As mentioned before of how it effects us with all the additives and pollution we are better off without it and the animals need our help to voice their lives. I am still trying to understand how people who do this to the animals live with themselves everyday when they disrespect animals the way they do by taking away their body parts and all their animal rights. I believe it is the consumers responsibly to know where there food is coming from. It is the governments problem just as much as it it the consumers because it is the people who buy into the product and support it.  As said before organic food is pricey and there is a lot of extra work involved in wanting to be healthy for yourself and helping animals. But also said before that if you aren't able to buy organic food then be against factory farming and and have "Meatless Monday". Every little effort helps the animals. Every week you have meatless Monday is another animals life saved.  

More than half of people believe that their food comes from happy farms that we used to have in the olden days. Which is now almost non-existent. Or people just don't care about the issue. From personal experiences and bringing the topic up to classmates they reply with “whatever, we need protein” or “God put animals on earth so we could eat them” which is very true but animals need to be treated with respect before we consume them and not only that but the additives factory farms put in the animals food is very unsafe and not healthy for both us and the animals. Humans being the consumers we need to make a protest in stop buying animals products to make life better for the animals and ourselves in what we are consuming as well protect from pollution as mentioned before.

After learning what you have about factory farming how do you feel about animals in consumption? how do you live with yourself knowing every every meat product you have the animal was abused in multiple ways to get to your plate?


  1. Hey Emily- You're blog has taught me a lot regarding the issues of factory farming. In my opinion the consumption of animal products is not the issues. The issues is revolving around the way we go by to create the meat product from the animal. If we can find a safe, secure, and respective way to produce meat products, i believe that will be a positive step in a positive direction to create change amongst the animal diversity issue.

  2. Hi Selam, sorry if I wasn't clear! I couldn't of said the issue better myself. Consuming isn't the problem it's the way the animals are treated but by buying into the product shows you support it there for being vegetarian. The government would never find a compromise because that would mean spending more money on something that they see unnecessary.

  3. Hi Emily,

    I disagree to some extent with you and Selam that the issue in the blog isn't about consuming animal products. In your blog I find that you bring up the question of whether we should or should not eat animals. In your cartoon even the chicken says "it's the one day of the week where humans help us stay alive". So the issues you present are not just about making the factory farming process more humane but about not eating meat whatsoever.

    I think that our society's consumption of meat is a big problem. Like you said, eating meat supports inhumane factory farms, but also it has a huge environmental impact. I am not sure if trying to make factory farms more humane is the right solution. It seems if we stopped eating meat altogether we can remove this huge burden from the environment, as well as stop the abuse of animals. However, people(who consume meat) would be more willing to try the first solution rather than change their diets completely.

  4. Hi Mina, Well that's the thing about this issue. I myself have a hard time eating animals because they have feelings and they are so darn cute. I imagine a lot of people have the same views. I am on the boarder of this question. Yes I personally believe we shouldn't eat animals but that is hard to do so what I want to try and do is to not get people to stop eating animals completely because not only a lot of people wouldn't do it but because it is a huge change if your used to having chicken every night but at least treat them better if becoming a vegetarian is not a option. Which ties in with your second part of your post. My goals of this blog were to
    1. Raise awareness of this issue
    2. Spread the word about becomeing vegetarian if possible
    Have "Meatless Monday" while treating animals with respect

    If were to stop eating animals completely as you said would make things a lot easier and I'm sure would never happen but my question would be : Would there be over population of animals?
    If we were to stop buying meat and super markets stopped selling it where would the animals all fit. Factory farms all ready over crowd animals, farmers would have to kill them simply because of no space.
