Tuesday, 1 May 2012

What is Factory Farming?

Our sentimental image of pigs, chickens, and cows being raised on an idyllic family farm is seriously outdated. Over 95% of the 650 million animals raised and slaughtered for food in Canada today are mass-produced on factory farms. Here they live their short lives indoors in intensive confinement systems, deprived of everything that is natural to them including sunlight, family, and even the ability to turn around. Animals being crammed by the thousands into filthy windowless sheds, wire cages, gestation crates, and other cruel confinement system . animals suffer staggering neglect, mutilation, genetic manipulation, and drug regimens that cause chronic pain and debilitation. During transport, many animals are beaten or shocked, and thousands die from overcrowding and extreme temperatures. At every step of the way, it is an industrial enterprise very similar to a manufacturing production line, only with more blood, pollution, pain, and cruelty. Yet our government still views these operations as farms instead of industrial manufacturing and exempts the captive animals from all animal cruelty laws, after all, they aren't really animals, they are production units. 


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  1. Emily, i appreciate the detail and descriptions you put into creating a well developed blog. The environments that these animals are forced to live in are unbearable. The slide show was very helpful in assisting me to develop a clearer vision and understanding regarding the issues against animal cruelty. This blog post engaged me into the topic, and is enabling me to take a bigger leap in understanding more on how animal rights are not viewed equally to human rights.

    1. Selam, Thank for you comment. That is my goal of the blog. To bring awareness to everyone who is not aware of this topic. Which is a lot of people considering how big this topic it is and how much it effects everyone in their consumption. It is unbelievable what some people do to animals that I believe are a privileged to have. It was our english 11 teacher Mr. Mars who got me interested in the topic by showing us the disturbing video about factory farming. Animal rights should be tied into human rights because we the humans consume the animals and people should are what is happening to their food before it retches the store.

  2. Emily, I thoroughly agree that the conditions these animals are forced to live in is brutal. What is your views on the relationship between an animal "farmed" at these factories and a human verses a cat or a dog and a human? What are your views on food needs of Canada as a whole?

    1. Mike, Thank you for your comment. You won't believe the things they do to the animals which will be shown later in my blog. I Believe there is a huge difference in animals that are farmed properly and factory farming. As i said before this will soon be posted but a sneak peak is that there are additives, flavoring, and preservatives. Which is bad for the environment and ourselves. Becoming vegetarian is one of the most important and effective actions you can take to ease the strain on our earth's limited resources, protect the plant from pollution, prevent global warming, and save countless species from extinction. I myself have 2 cats and a dog. I don't believe "house pets" are in danger, as long as they are treated well.

  3. Hi Emily,

    Your blog post was really eye opening, and quite disturbing. When I think of the animal cruelty commercials I've seen on TV, I can only recall images of animals like puppies and cats. Clearly there is not enough awareness around this issue. Our society clearly values pets, or "cute" animals over animals that will be slaughtered. Like you said, "they aren't really animals, they are production units".

    1. Hi Mina, Thank you for your comment. People don't find this topic important because it isn't heard of and people don't care because they don't see it. When you buy a piece of chicken it doesn't have how they are treated on it or where it came from. Myself I was unaware of this issue until last year when my English teacher showed us a brief video of some of the conditions the animals are forced to live with. There is more awareness towards cats and dogs because they are seen as pets as where chickens, cows, and pigs are seen as food. But in reality people should be more interested in what they are consuming. In factory farmed animals there are additives, flavorings, and preservation which is bad for our health and environment.
